Best quality goods, flexibility, reliability, and most especially freshness.

Culinary Fair at Polfood – 2nd Taste Journey Berlin

For the second time, the culinary fair took place on October 11, 2023, with around 15 exhibitors from various regions of Germany at the Polfood location in Berlin. Guests at the fair had the opportunity to explore a wide range of offerings, from smart kitchen solutions to spreads and snacks in small portion sizes, catering to every gastronomic need.

The highlight of the event was the exclusive tastings, which took place in a cozy and inviting atmosphere directly at the fairground. The accompanying program also provided a chance to dive into the fascinating world of spices and discover diverse delicacies.

Our Polfood stand attracted numerous guests, featuring tastings of our new halal premium beef products, including our 100% beef New York hot dog sausages and melt-in-the-mouth beef cheeks.

All in all, the culinary fair at Polfood provided a rich and varied experience for restaurateurs seeking innovative products and those passionate about fine food.

We would like to express our sincere thanks to all the exhibitors, the culinary team who participated, and of course, all the guests who visited the fair. A special thank you goes to our Polfood team, who played a key role in organizing this fantastic event.

Given the success and positive feedback, we are excited about the possibility of planning a third edition of this event in the future.

Our trade fair partners from the Culinary Band:

Our trade fair partners of the Culinary Band:

Frischli I Hanna-Feinkost I Bon Pastaio I 11er I Baker & Baker I Rational I Wiberg I Bruno Gelato I Hellma I iSi I Cederroth I Brizza I Winterhalter I Develey

General information
  1. Step 1: Select the desired items and the required quantity (in the box).
  2. Step 2: Complete all necessary contact information (in a field marked with *)
  3. Step 3: Please accept the terms and conditions. The net price will be displayed at the end. Then click on "order".
  4. Step 4: Once you have placed your order, you will receive an invoice. Please transfer the amount including VAT to the specified account. The goods will be dispatched after receipt of payment and sent to you by a forwarding agent within 2 working days.
  5. Minimum order quantity 20 kg, all prices shown are net and include delivery (free domicile)
Beef Bacon Streifen

Beef Bacon slices

HALAL, 20x 500g, in a 10kg carton (€16.99/kg)
- +
Carton count
Beef Bacon Würfel

Beef Bacon cubes, 5x 5mm

HALAL, 20x 500g, in 10kg carton (16,99€/kg)
- +
Carton count
BBQ Ribs

BBQ Ribs 1 Vac

HALAL, approx. 10 kg carton (16,50€/kg)
- +
Carton count
Pulled Beef

Pulled beef

10 kg carton (20 x 500 g bags)
- +
Carton count
Pastrami Deluxe

Pastrami Deluxe

HALAL, approx. 10 kg carton (18,99€/kg)
- +
Carton count
Beef Merguez


HALAL, 5x 50g, in 10kg carton (16,50€/kg)
- +
Carton count
New York Beef Hot Dog

New York Hot Dog

HALAL, 5x 50g, in 10kg carton (14,75€/kg)
- +
Carton count

Beef cheeks

HALAL, approx. 10 kg carton (19,99€/kg)
- +
Carton count
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Thank you for your order.

You will receive an email including order confirmation and invoice shortly.

Your order will be shipped after receipt of payment and arrive by courier within 48 hours (7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.).

Beste Qualitätsware“, Flexibilität, Zuverlässigkeit und Frische!

Best quality goods, flexibility, reliability, and most especially freshness.